Recent Submissions

  • Performance Verification Statement for the YSI Inc. Rapid Pulse Dissolved Oxygen Sensor. 

    Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the In-Situ Inc. Dissolved Oxygen RDO Sensor. 

    Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the Greenspan Technology Dissolved Oxygen Sensor DO300/DO1200. 

    Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the Aanderaa Instruments Inc. Dissolved Oxygen Optode 3830/3930/3835. 

    Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the YSI Inc. Model 6025 Chlorophyll Probe. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the WET Labs ECO FLNTUSB fluorometer. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the TURNER Designs SCUFA fluorometer. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the TURNER Designs CYCLOPS-7 fluorometer. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the Hach Environmental Hydrolab DS5X Sonde. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the Chelsea MINItracka IIC fluorometer. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the Chelsea AQUAtracka III fluorometer. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the BBE Moldaenke FluoroProbe 2. 

    Chigounis, D.; Carroll, M.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; Laurier, F.; McKissack, T.; Meadows, L.; Metcalfe, C.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Seiter, J.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2005)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Protocols for the ACT Verification of In Situ Dissolved Oxygen Sensors. 

    Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
    As part of our service to the coastal community, ACT Partner Institutions and Stakeholder Council has chosen the perform ance verification of commercially available in situ dissolved oxygen sensors as the first ...
  • HPLC Chlorophyll Processing for the ACT Performance Verification of In Situ Fluorometers. 

    Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
    The HPLC method used for chlorophyll a analysis followed that of Zapata et al (2000; MEPS 195:29-45) and was conducted by the laboratory of Dr. Welschmeyer at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML, the West Coast ACT ...
  • Coastal Community Professionals’ Use of, Satisfaction with, and Requirements for In Situ Chlorophyll Fluorometers. 

    Responsive Management (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
    This study was conducted for the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) to assess how various parties commonly use in situ chlorophyll fluorometers, their satisfaction with the capabilities of existing models, and their ...
  • Comparison of inherent optical properties as a surrogate for particulate matter concentration in coastal waters. 

    Boss, E.; Taylor, L.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hawley, N.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Purcell, H.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M. (2009)
    Particulate matter concentration (PM, often referred to as total suspended solids [TSS]) is an important parameter in the evaluation of water quality. Several optical measurements used to provide an estimate of water ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the YSI 6600 EDS Sonde and 6136 Turbidity Sensor. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; McKissack, T.; McIntyre, M.; Metcalfe, C.; Purcell, H.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Scianni, C.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2006)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the WET Labs ECO-BB-SB Turbidity Probe. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; McKissack, T.; McIntyre, M.; Metcalfe, C.; Purcell, H.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Scianni, C.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2006)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the McVan Analite NEP395 Turbidity Probe. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; McKissack, T.; McIntyre, M.; Metcalfe, C.; Purcell, H.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Scianni, C.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2006)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
  • Performance Verification Statement for the In-Situ Troll 9500 Turbidity Probe. 

    Carroll, M.; Chigounis, D.; Gilbert, S.; Gundersen, K.; Hayashi, K.; Janzen, C.; Johengen, T.; Koles, T.; McKissack, T.; McIntyre, M.; Metcalfe, C.; Purcell, H.; Robertson, C.; Schar, D.; Scianni, C.; Smith, G.J.; Tamburri, M.; Wells, D. (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2006)
    Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...

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